Domains impacted by TBI

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TBI impacts multiple domains.

The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) provides clinicians and researchers, policymakers and others with a comprehensive framework for relevant domains of human experience that are affected by health conditions such as TBI (in the context of environmental and personal factors).59

The ICF Core Sets for TBI are intended as an international standard of what to measure. They are not health status measures but instead are a comprehensive list of relevant domains of functioning for TBI. They provide a practical checklist for working with people with TBI in the context of specialised brain injury rehabilitation programs in NSW.

Table 2a: ICF brief core sets for TBI59
A. Body structures B. Body functions C. Activities and participation D. Environmental factors
InjuryImpairmentsImpacts Supports and barriers, impacts
Structure of brain

Consciousness functions

Energy and drive functions

Attention functions

Memory functions

Emotional functions

Higher-level cognitive functions

Sensation of pain

Control of voluntary movement functions

Carrying out daily routine




Complex interpersonal interactions

Family relationships

Acquiring, keeping and terminating a job

Recreation and leisure

Products and technology for personal use in daily living

Products and technology for personal indoor and outdoor mobility and transportation

Immediate family


Social security services, systems and policies

Health services, systems and policies*

Table 2b: Additional categories in the ICF Comprehensive Core Set for TBI
A. Body structures B. Body functions C. Activities and participation D. Environmental factors
InjuryImpairmentsImpacts Supports and barriers, impacts
Structure of brain

Temperament and personality

Sexual functions

Sleep functions

Handling stress and other psychological demands

Intimate relationships

Making decisions

Extended family

Acquaintances, peers, colleagues, neighbours and community members

* These 23 categories in the Core Set are a starting point for what’s typical, not an exhaustive list of all possible impairments and impacts.

Part of Paul's story

Re-learning skills

Inpatient specialised brain injury rehabilitation, case management, TLP with shared accommodation

Back into the community

At home

Rehabilitation training with father and community therapists, case management, GP care

Paul's complete story

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