Fact sheet Equipment

Published on 6 Feb 2023

Oxygen masks

An oxygen mask is used to give extra oxygen to people who need it. Different oxygen masks are used to give different amounts of extra oxygen. All the masks have an oval-shaped plastic cup that fits over a person’s mouth and nose. The mask is kept in place by elastic straps.

How does it work?

The oxygen mask is connected to cylinders that give oxygen or air through a short tube. The type of mask used will be decided by the intensive care team. The team may change the mask used as the person’s condition changes. To help monitor the person’s breathing, an oxygen saturation monitor will usually be attached to their finger or ear. An oxygen saturation monitor checks how much oxygen is in the blood.

Are there any problems?

The most common problem with using an oxygen mask is dry mouth. This is easily overcome by drinking small amounts of water, or rinsing out the mouth if the person in the intensive care unit (ICU) is unable to take oral fluids. However, this may not be possible for some people. They will be offered regular mouth swabs to moisten their mouth.

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